Monday, November 13, 2006

Miniaturer - Miniatures

10x15 cm. Acrylic on specialpaper 2006

Bare for sjov og mens jeg lyttede til de andres småsnak, sad jeg og hyggede en eftermiddag med akrylfarver, som jeg ellers i sin tid havde fundet, ikke var mediet for mig.

Måske netop fordi det var lidt legende og hyggeligt, var akrylfarverne lige sagen og legen blev faktisk nogle gode billeder, så jeg skal da prøve noget oftere at nøjes med at lege ;-D
Just for fun and while I was listening to the small-talk from the others, I sat and was amused for the afternoon med acrylic colours, which I had for some time ago found, was not a media for me.
Maybe exactly because it was a bit playful ad cosy, the acrylic colours was just the thing and the fun actually became nice paintings, so I will try more often to settle with being playful ;-D

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